Tuesday, December 06, 2005

They Say Sehwag Lacks Courage !!!

STAR News that infinitely wise news channel yesterday put up an infinitely enlightening program called "Chappell ke Char Shikaar" (Chappell's Four Victims) or something of that sort. Now I usually don't watch such crap even if I have time for it, but yesterday while channel-surfing I just happened to come across it.

Explaining in detail how Viru is on the "hit-list" of Chappell, the channel went on to comment upon his innings yesterday. They said that it was a "poor' innings in which he threw his wicket away (that much is true, granted) and then after taking another couple of potshots talked about how "Veeru has never learnt what courage and grit is all about".

Need I say anything else other than call all this a load of tosh ? Such are Sehwag's achievements that they need no mention even to counter this ridiculous allegations by the fools who make such programs.

Needless to mention, STAR News is an absolute no-no for me from here on, not even by accident while channel-surfing.

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